{<!-- Uninitialized variables default to 0. OK, walking is step++ Running step += 2 Danger should prepare from time D0 and occur at D1. Listening in [D0, D1] should unlock running. 27% of men, 45% of women do not feel safe. http://www.gallup.com/poll/179558/not-feel-safe-walking-night-near-home.aspx We'll approximate this to 25% for men and 50% for women. 2012 Population: 313,914,040; Violent crime rate per 100,000: 386.9 Therefore, ~0.004 (0.4%) chance of violent crime. http://www.ucrdatatool.gov/Search/Crime/State/RunCrimeStatebyState.cfm --> (if: $initialized is 0)[ (set: $goal to 10) (if: (random: 0, 999) < 1)[ <!-- Change to 999 --> (set: $danger to 1) (set: $d0 to (random: 1, $goal / 2) - 1) (set: $d1 to (random: $d0 + 1, $goal - 2)) ] (else:)[ (set: $danger to 0) (set: $d0 to 0) (set: $d1 to 0) ] (set: $sex to (either: "male", "female")) (if: $sex is "male")[ (set: $feeling to (either: 0, 0, 0, 1)) ] (if: $sex is "female")[ (set: $feeling to (either: 0, 1)) ] (set: $heard to 0) (set: $step to 0) (set: $attacked to 0) (set: $initialized to 1) ] (if: $danger > 0 and $step >= $d1)[(set: $d1 to $d1 + 4)(set: $attacked to 1)(goto: "Fight")] }=><= {(if: $step is $goal)[[lock door]<actLockDoor|<br />] (elseif: $step is $goal - 1)[[close door]<actCloseDoor|<br />] (elseif: $step is $goal - 2)[[go inside]<actGoInside|<br />] (elseif: $step is $goal - 3)[[open door]<actOpenDoor|<br />] (else:)[ (if: $attacked is 0)[[walk]<actWalk|<br />] (if: $feeling > 0 and $attacked is 0)[[listen]<actListen|<br />] (if: $heard and $attacked is 0)[[walk quickly]<actWalkQuickly|<br />] (if: $heard or $attacked)[[run]<actRun|<br />] ]} { (click: ?actWalk)[ (set: $step to $step + 1) (goto: "Start") ] (click: ?actOpenDoor)[ (set: $step to $step + 1) (goto: "Start") ] (click: ?actGoInside)[ (set: $step to $step + 1) (goto: "Start") ] (click: ?actCloseDoor)[ (set: $step to $step + 1) (goto: "Start") ] (click: ?actLockDoor)[ (goto: "End") ] (click: ?actWalkQuickly)[ (set: $step to $step + 2) (set: $d1 to $d1 + (random: -1, 1)) (goto: "Start") ] (click: ?actRun)[ (set: $step to $step + 3) (set: $d1 to $d1 + (random: -2, 2)) (goto: "Start") ] (click: ?actListen)[ (if: $danger and $step >= $d0)[ (set: $heard to 1) (set: $d1 to $d1 - 1) ] (goto: "Start") ]}<br /> =><= [resist]<actResist| [submit]<actSubmit| {(click: ?actResist)[ (goto: (either: "Dead", "Start", "Fight", "Fight")) ] (click: ?actSubmit)[ (goto: "End") ]}=><= City Simulator 2012 Kevin Harris Inspired by (link: "When Acting As A")[(gotoURL: "http://davidtm.com.ar/acting/index.html")] (link: "Restart")[ (set: $initialized to 0) (goto: "Start") ]<br /> =><= [expire]<actExpire| (click: ?actExpire)[(goto: "End")]